UQ Early Career Researcher Grant Success

5 Dec 2016

Congratulations to Dr Nick Fletcher and Dr Eivind Undheim for their successful applications for UQ ECR Grants for 2017. Nick for his project Targeted immunotherapeutic approach for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer: Rallying the immune system and Eivind for Imaging the unexplored pharmacological landscape of centipede venoms.

Dr Fletcher's area of interest is in Nano-medicine, developing multimodal molecular imaging probes for theranotics, specifically for the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. His research is focussed on the development of polymer based devices which are able to image tumors in vivo as well as deliver therapeutic payloads. Read more about Nick and his research here.

Dr Undheim's research interests lie in the evolution of venoms, with a particular focus on the centipede venom system, its toxins, and the structural adaptations that underlie their unique properties. Read more about Eivind's research here.
