Brief Abstract

The modern researcher produces 21st century research, written with 20th century tools, and packaged in a 16th century format. Authorea is building a modern online editor for researchers to write, cite, collaborate, host, and publish on the web. As a result, researchers can write mixed format documents (including LaTeX, markdown, and richtext), collaborate seamlessly, include data and visualizations in the document itself, and more. Authorea would be pleased to demonstrate what the “paper” of the future looks like and how the editor can help supercharge the research writing process.

Introduction to Company

Authorea was spun out of CERN by a group of physicists who were frustrated with the cumbersome existing processes of research collaboration. Developed with the notion of making it easy to write collaboratively and to share data in the same document online, Authorea is now in use at all 100 of the Top 100 research universities worldwide. Authorea is aimed at the portion of the research cycle from writing a first draft through to submission for publishing, and is used in a diverse set of fields from physics to cognitive science.

About CAI Seminar Series

The perfect opportunity to attend cutting-edge research presentations involving CAI researchers or collaborators, each Tuesday at 9:30am in the CAI Seminar Room, entry via CAI main doors, facing Wep Harris oval (see map).

If you would like weekly email notification for the seminar series or are interested in presenting, please contact CAI Enquiries.

*Our seminar series is now online! See our listed sessions to read more about our upcoming webinars.
To watch previous sessions, press the button below.

CAI Seminar Recordings