A CAI general induction allows you to complete the required training to obtain access to the office and common areas. Facility inductions allow you to have access to CAI laboratory areas.

To register for a general induction:

  1. Watch our short video introduction explaining the induction process

  2. Complete a CAI general induction. Please fill out the form here and you will be guided through the process.
  3. If you have a colleague you would like to assist in starting this process, please send them this PDF: General Induction and Annual Refresher

Facility inductions: 

  1. Complete the general induction as outlined in the steps above. If you have already completed this step, continue to the next step.
  2. After obtaining a CAI intranet logon (from completing the form linked above), please select the facility from the intranet page.

    Click "Apply for access to this facility" and finally click "Arrange the required facility orientation". The applicant must read the Standard Operating Prcoedures (SOPs) and risk assessment(s) for the selected facility and book a local induction time via the CAI intranet.
  3. Contact the facility manager to discuss your project requirements and help setting up the project in the online booking system.

    You will receive confirmations via email throughout the process until completion.