Overview: Transcriptomic and Mass spectrometric analyses have played a fundamental role in revealing the complex mixtures of components in venoms. Following on from these bulk analysis experiments, information regarding the organisation of venom glands and ducts has been of significant interest, and Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) plays a major role in these studies. Taking together bulk proteomic and transcriptomic analyses with MSI is allowing us to determine, with increasing degrees of certainty, both the composition and the spatial distribution of the components. To-date, studies utilising these techniques have revealed important knowledge of defensive vs predatory venoms, how compartmentation of venom components is a part of the venom modulation observed during envenomation events, and variety of other information.

In the last few years there has been an explosion in the improvement in mass spectrometers used for MSI analysis, particularly with respect to improved mass accuracy, mass resolution, and speed. FT mass analysers are known for very high mass resolving power, but equally for having quite a slow duty cycle. The improvements in TOF mass analysers in recent years has re-enforced the argument that in the higher mass range, typical of singly charged peptide and small proteins, TOF analysers bring the best combination of speed, sensitivity, mass resolution and mass accuracy. The other important issue is the effect that sample topography has upon the achievable mass resolution when using axial TOF analysers.  Utilisation of orthogonal TOF analysers has effectively dealt with this problem, and it is now possible to achieve both good mass accuracy directly off tissue during MSI experiments. During this presentation, we would like to highlight how the use of a combination of sublimation and recrystallization and instruments such as the TIMS-TOF Flex and the Spiral-TOF have allowed improved mass measurements for MSI of venoms from species of centipedes and spiders.

Each talk will be followed by a Q&A session via Zoom. Please feel free to bring along your questions during the webinar.

Please see details below.

When:     Tuesday 23rd March
Time:       9.30 am
Where:    Online via Zoom - Please click the link below to register (Zoom details are provided automatically upon registration)
CAI Staff and Students are encouraged to join in the seminar room

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