Join us 9.30 AM Tuesday 13 July for the CAI Seminar Series with Assoc. Prof. Jongho Lee, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, presenting:
Imaging myelin and iron in the brain and deep designed RF
Myelin and iron are important substances for normal functions of the brain. The changes in their local concentrations have been reported in multiple brain disorders (e.g. demyelination in multiple sclerosis and iron deposition in deep gray matter in Parkinson’s disease). Hence, imaging their concentrations quantitatively using MRI allows us to monitor the condition of the brain in-vivo and has been an important topic of research. In this presentation, I will introduce an advanced magnetic susceptibility mapping method, which is referred to as χ-separation, as a potential tool to quantitatively visualize myelin and iron in the brain. Physics behind the imaging methods will be introduced and reconstruction will be followed. Finally, validation using simulation and phantom are provided along with applications to in-vivo and ex-vivo human brains and MS patients. If time permits after covering the first topic, another topic of developing a new RF pulse via deep learning will be introduced. A newly developed algorithm, DeepRF, that utilizes deep reinforcement learning to generate a reward-defined RF pulse will be presented. This method demonstrates successful generation of various types of RF (e.g, excitation, inversion, B1-insensitive inversion, etc.) by self-training. The resulting RFs reveal improved SAR while pertaining slice profiles when compared to conventional SLR or adiabatic RF pulses.
Each talk will be followed by a Q&A session via Zoom. Please feel free to bring along your questions during the webinar.
Please see details below.
When: Tuesday 13 July
Time: 9.30 am
Where: Online via Zoom - Please click the link below to register (Zoom details are provided automatically upon registration)
CAI Staff and Students are encouraged to join in the seminar room
About CAI Seminar Series
The perfect opportunity to attend cutting-edge research presentations involving CAI researchers or collaborators, each Tuesday at 9:30am in the CAI Seminar Room, entry via CAI main doors, facing Wep Harris oval (see map).
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*Our seminar series is now online! See our listed sessions to read more about our upcoming webinars.
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