Professor Rasko directs the Department of Cell & Molecular Therapies at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and heads the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at the Centenary Institute, University of Sydney.

John Rasko is a clinical hematologist, pathologist and scientist. In over 150 publications he has contributed to the understanding of stem cells and haemopoiesis, gene transfer technologies, oncogenesis, human aminoacidurias and non-coding RNAs.

He serves on Hospital, state and national bodies including Chair of GTTAC, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator – responsible for regulating all genetically-modified organisms in Australia – and was Chair of the Advisory Committee on Biologicals, Therapeutic Goods Administration (2013-5). He is a founding Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences & recipient of national and international awards in recognition of his commitment to excellence in medical research, including appointment as an Officer of the Order of Australia.

About CAI Seminar Series

The perfect opportunity to attend cutting-edge research presentations involving CAI researchers or collaborators, each Tuesday at 9:30am in the CAI Seminar Room, entry via CAI main doors, facing Wep Harris oval (see map).

If you would like weekly email notification for the seminar series or are interested in presenting, please contact CAI Enquiries.

*Our seminar series is now online! See our listed sessions to read more about our upcoming webinars.
To watch previous sessions, press the button below.

CAI Seminar Recordings


Building 57,
University of Queensland St Lucia
Level 2 Seminar Room