The Centre for Advanced Imaging and Kingaroy State High School (KSHS) have been successful in securing a $10,000 Engaging Science Grant for 2018. The Advance Queensland initiative supports science engagement and communication projects, events and activities that increase the reach and impact of science in Queensland.
A/Prof Kris Thurecht, a former student of Kingaroy State High School and Group Leader at CAI and the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, has worked with KSHS to develop a unique program that gives science students an opportunity to learn and apply practical skills in polymer chemistry.
During the program, researchers from the Centre will teach the science students how to synthesise their own polymers in the class room. The students will then travel to UQ for a three-day camp where they will use the advanced facilitites at CAI to characterise the polymers they have developed, using a number of techniques.
Seventeen recipients of the Engaging Science Grants will share in more than $160,000 to help raise the profile of science in the community. Read more about successful grants in Round 1.