Avance 900

The ultra-high resolution Bruker Avance 900 MHz spectrometer is a flagship instrument of the QNN facilities, based at the University of Queensland.
The Avance 900 is the highest field strength NMR spectrometer available in Australia. The instrument is fitted with a triple-resonance TCI cryoprobe for higher signal-to-noise and a temperature cooled SampleJet sample changer.
The system is optimised for biomolecular studies and provides high-resolution, three-dimensional structures of membrane proteins, complex carbohydrates, nucleic acids, protein-protein complexes, natural products and is able to map macromolecular interactions. These studies are not possible on lower field systems. The system offers unparalleled sensitivity and resolution for NMR-based metabolomics studies.
Capabilities include:
• Triple resonance cryoprobe (13C/15N/1H)
• 21.14 Tesla, pumped magnet (2K)
• Observable nuclei: H, C, N and D
• Seamless interface for non-uniform sampling (Topspin 3.2)
• Sample changer (480 samples)
• 4 channels
• High-throughput screening using a cooled SampleJet (metabolomics, drug/fragment screening)
• Compatible with salt tolerant sample spinners
• Optimal for studies of very large molecules where the field-dependent TROSY effect allows for NMR signals to be measured for complexes up to 1 MDa
• Avance Neo Console: highest advanced software
For more information, please contact the Facility Manager.