National Youth Science Forum visits CAI

25 January 2021

The Centre for Advanced Imaging was excited to host another visit from the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) this year and meet our future leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The annual NYSF Year 12 Program is a 10-day program that aims to inspire Australia's future STEM leaders by giving students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in STEM. The program includes science and technology facility tours and visits, workshops, social events, lectures from STEM leaders and group activities for the development of communication and presentation skills.

We had a great time sharing our passion for science with NYSF and taking students behind the scenes of our research centre.

During their visit, NYSF students were introduced to the basics in imaging science, nanomedicine and magnetic resonance which involved hands-on scanning activities with fruit and vegetables. 

Students participated in scanning, NMR and virtual reality (VR) learning activities in our PET-CT, 3T MRI and NMR facilities led by our imaging and science research team including Senior Research Radiographer - Nicole Atcheson, Senior Research Nuclear Medicine Scientist - Sarah Daniel, PhD candidate (NMR-based Metabolomics) - Jake Hattwell, and Senior Research Manager, NMR Facility Manager - Dr Greg Pierens.

Students also heard career talks from CAI NYSF alumni, Jake Hattwell and research group leader and nanomedicine expert, Professor Kris Thurecht, who presented their journeys in science. 

The Centre looks forward to future visits and sharing science with more young aspiring scientists. To learn more about visiting the Centre for Advanced Imaging, check out: UQ in Schools activities and workshops for students

NYSF 2021 pictured during the scanning activities at the PET-CT facility,
Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland.

Media: Maria Moran,, +61 7 3365 1785
