9.4T Preclinical MR Imaging

The Bruker Biospec MRI scanner consists of a 9.4 Tesla, 300 mm ultrashield refrigerated 30 cm magnet interfaced to a scalable Bruker Avance III spectrometer that allows unparalleled flexibility for MRI scanning of small and medium sized research animals and other samples.
The system incorporates a cryoprobe, which enables maximum signal and image quality to be achieved for rodent mouse brain imaging. The system also includes 8 parallel RF transmit and receive channels for multi-coil phased array imaging and numerous coils to investigate nuclei other than standard protons or "water" imaging, notably:
- Mouse and rat head and body coils for live animal and sample imaging
- 1 H mouse head cryoprobe, which enables maximum signal and image quality to be achieved for mouse brain imaging
- carbon-13 coils to investigate metabolism
- sodium-23 coils to investigate cell viability
- phosphorus-31 coils to investigate tissue energetics
- fluorine-19 coils for labelling of targeted tracers
- 8 parallel RF transmit and receive channels for multi-coil phased array
This system offers new potential for advancing preclinical research and molecular imaging in national and international researchers collaboration within The University of Queensland and is available for use through the Australian National Imaging Facility: www.anif.org.au. The system was funded with assistance from the Queensland State Government under the Australian Commonwealth Government's Education Investment Fund scheme.
For more information, please contact the Facility Manager.